Profile of The Program

Mechatronics represents a field that requires specialization in both electricalmechanical systems. In addition, it includes systems such as robotics, electronics, computerstelecommunications. With the ever-increasing importance of technology, mechatronics is extremely popular both nationallyinternationally. Mechatronics is an area of specialization needed in many branches of engineering. Therefore, there are collaborations with many fields such as electricalelectronics engineering, controlautomation engineering, mechanical architectureaerospace engineering. The aim of this program is to train knowledgeableskilled personnel who can work efficiently in the design, installation, use, maintenance, repairdevelopment stages of technological structures in the field of machinery, automation, robotics, electricalelectronic basedcomputer controlled vehicles.  

Career Opportunities

Students who successfully complete the Mechatronics Program are entitled to receive an associate degreethe title of Mechatronics Technician. The curriculum enables students to use current production technologies effectivelyto perform maintenancerepair. Graduates of this department can provide technical service, work in maintenancerepair units,perform electrical-electronicmechanical assemblydisassembly works. They can also work as microcontroller programmers in electrical-electronicsmachine device manufacturing factories, electronic design offices, controlcontrol systems in both publicprivate sectors. Working in PLC programmingpneumatic-hydraulic system services is possible as well.  

Course List

Please click here to access the Mechatronics Program course list.