1: The quota for Turkish nationalities is limited with 10% of the the total quotas for the Faculty of Law and Medicine.
2: Students of Pilot Training Department are required to pay an additional €56.000 flight training fee. This fee can be paid in installments by years as seen below:

Faculties and Departments Annual Fee Without Scholarship
Faculty of Law (4 Years) $8.650
Faculty of Medicine (6 Years) $16.290
Pilot Training* (4 Years) $12.000
Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences (4 Years)
Business Administration (4 Years) $4580
Internatioanl Trade and Logistics (4 Years) Turkish $4580
International Trade and Logistics  (4 Years) English $6110
Insurance and Social Service (4 Years) $4580
Energy Management (4 Years) $4580
Islamic Economics and Finance (4 Years) $4580
Social Service (4 Years) $4580
Pschology (4 Years) $4580
Sociology (4 Years) $4580
History (4 Years) $4580
Communication and Design (4 Years) $4580
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (4 Years)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (4 Years) $8.560
Computer Engineering $8.560
Mechatronics Engineering $8.560
Mechanical Engineering $8.560
Civil Engineering $8.560
Industrial Engineering $8.560
Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (4 Years)
Interior Design (4 Years) $5090
Architecture (4 Years) $5090
Graphic Design (4 Years) $4580
Academy of Foreign Languages (4 Years)
Arabic-Turkish Transl. and Interp. (4 Years) $5090
English-Turkish Transl. and Interp. (4 Years) $5090
Academy of Health Sciences (4 Years)
Child Development (4 Years) $6110
Nursing (4 Years) $6110
Audiology (4 Years) $6110
Nutrition and Dietetics $6110
Midwifery $6110
Physical Therapy and Rehab. $6110
Vocational School of Trade and Industry (2 Years)
Mechatronics (2 Years) $3.560
Foreign Trade (2 Years) $3.560
Civil Aviation Cabin Services $3.560
Vocational School of Healthcare Services (2 Years)
Child Development (2 Years) $4580
Dialysis (2 Years) $4580
Physical Therapy (2 Years) $4580
Physical Therapy (2 Years) $4580
Anaesthesia (2 Years) $4580
Medical Imaging Techniques $4580
Opticianry (2 Years) $4580
Vocational School of Justice (2 Years)
Justice (2 Years) $4580
Aarabic Prep. Year (Gained Scholarships Apply) $6.000
English Prep. Year (Gained Scholarships Apply) $6.000
Turkish Prep. Year (Gained Scholarships Apply) 8.000 TL
*The 50% scholarship for Pilot Training Department also covers the flight training fee which is €56.000 in total.


*For all Engineering programs (except Industrial Engineering) one-year-long English Preparatory Program is mandatory. For the Arabic-Turkish Translation and Interpreting program one year long Arabic; and for the English-Turkish Translation and Interpreting Program, one-year-long English Preparatory Program are mandatory. Students who meet the required language criteria are exempt from mandatory language training programs.
*Students are required to pay a registration fee of 500 USD, followed by the tuition fee. The registration fee is intended to secure the allocated quota for the student and is non-refundable, and it is not deducted from the departmental fees.
*KTO Karatay University reserves the right to make changes in the quotas.