Program Profile

The field of study for Computer Engineering covers every subject related to computer hardware and software. Depending on the place of computers in our life, the research areas for the computer engineering department and its graduates getting wider. Artificial intelligence, natural language processing, design and development of programming languages, digital logic gates, microprocessors, cryptology, and many other similar subjects are among the research topics of computer engineering.

Computer engineering stands on algorithm development and mathematical analysis. After the first two years of intensive and in-depth training in this field, students focus on vocational courses in the last two years. Computer Engineering Department's dynamic curriculum has a feature that can quickly adapt to new developments. Thanks to this dynamic curriculum, iPhone programming courses, and many similar subjects are taught.

Each student receives applied joint education in two companies at least. Thus, our students get ready for their career life when they graduate.

Career Opportunities

During your education in this department, you will gain in-depth knowledge of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, design and development of programming languages, digital logic gates, microprocessors, cryptology, and many other topics. You will also learn how to develop algorithms and compute based mathematical analysis.

After graduation, you can find a job as a system analyst and application programmer in a variety of management, industry, and service areas. Besides, you can work as a system programmer or research and development engineer in companies that produce or market computer hardware and software, as well as data processing centers.

You can work in various public and private organizations operating in the fields of management, education, industry, trade and service, banks, universities, computer hardware, and software companies. You will have the opportunity to work as an engineer in the departments of institutions such as software, hardware, network management, information security, data analysis.

Course List

Please click here to reach the course list of the Computer Engineering Department.